Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday February 26, 2012

Sitting on the porch to my room, to my left I hear people singing worship songs.  Another group in the distance in front of me doing the same thing.  Off and on I hear children talking and some crying.  To my left thunder rings.  I am wondering if the rains will mean a loss of internet connection.   I have a good connection right now. 
Jet lag is causing me to be a bit groggy today but I want to stay awake with no naps so that I will be at full strength tomorrow.
Light flooding the room woke me up this morning. As I was still mostly asleep, I wondered if it  could be God's presence. Waking up a bit more, I realized that it is the morning sun shining strongly through the curtains. I doze back to sleep hearing only muffled sounds. I put in ears plugs last night so I would not ear the nearby howling dogs singing in concert off and on throughout the night. 
Enjoyed a great simple breakfast...hard boiled eggs, toast and lots of fresh fruit! 
Morning Prayer was my order of worship this morning as I did not get moving in time to make it to the English worship service at the Cathedral. I love just taking time to ponder what God is saying to me through the Scriptures!  Another guide for my worship today was going through LENT FOR EVERYONE via  it would me nice if others joined me with this devotional and we can share what God is saying to us!
I need to close my writing now and go to work on lesson plans.  Taking time to meditate and contemplative prayer with God is on my agenda for the next few hours. Then I hope to catch a taxi into town to pick up a few items and have lunch.
Praying that I will recognize and respond to Gods Divine appointments today.

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