Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Evening 3.8.2012

This Morning's WorkSpace
Have you ever known that you were experiencing a special moment but were at a loss for words?  Today I was given a once-in-a-life time opportunity and I felt like I fumbled,  failing to run with the ball God had thrown me.

Yesterday, Jane (who works here in the Solice Ministries Guest House) made a plan for me to meet one of the widows connected with Solice Ministries. I had purchased a few necklaces and I was interested in meeting the person who made them. 

Tesire came early this morning- right after breakfast.  After we had taken care of business we sat down to chat with Jane who served as our interpreter.  After I asked about her family, I hesitated in asking more questions.  I told Jane that I really wanted to know more about her life and her experiences in the genocide but I did not want to be rude or just ask one question after another.  Jane assured me that it was good for Tesire to talk because each time she tells her story it helps her to heal.  Still, my hesitation remained.  I HATED that!  I wanted to learn from her.

In the few questions I managed to ask I learned that Tesire is just about my age.  She's given birth to 7 children - 4 of whom were murdered in the genocide. She was raped and as a result is HIV infected.  When asked if her life was better now since the genocide has passed she shares that it is very hard and tough.  Solace  helps her through the real hard times like when she has no money for rent or food.  Her artisan skills in making baskets, necklaces, bags and mobiles provide the means for what little income she has. 

Jane previously told me that Tesire was on the compound yesterday, praying.  This gave me an opportunity to ask about her faith.  I told I heard she was a woman of faith and that she prays.  “How is God involved in your life?” I asked.  Tesire answered, "God is reason I am alive today. Yes, I was raped but I would not be alive today if God was not with me.  I have bad days with the trauma is remembered suddenly and I feel like I loose my mind, but God is with me then too."

Amazing.  I wanted to learn more but just did not know what to ask.  I changed the subject to her crafts and making arrangements to buy a few more. We took a few photos and I told Tesire that I would tell others in the USA about her work.  I would try to see if there was a way to support her work in the future but I would have to think how that would work since I did not know if I would return to Rwanda.

Tesire left to continue on her days work. I returned to my room experiencing disappointment with myself but also with a unique feeling that God had just given me one of the most significant blessings of me life - to meet Tesire.  We have so little in common and come from such different backgrounds.  We don't even speak the same language but something happened in our encounter.  I am not sure what but I look forward to seeing how God is going to use this Divine appointment for His glory.  He's up to something.   I can feel it in my bones.  It is going to be good. I just don't know WHAT it is at the moment.

Seen along my journey today:

A Child Walking With Us, Pulling His Toy Truck

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