Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cracked Limbs

As Barnabas and I were walking this morning on the back of the Cabin property, I heard a sound as if a large animal was wondering in the midst of the trees.  As I moved forward, I noticed that the noise was coming from high in a tree.  Perhaps another of God's creature, unseen to my eye, was causing the noise.  Then the limb broke and fell from it's original position onto the limbs below. 

Though high above the ground,  I could see the limb was green and looked healthy.  From my perspective on the ground, I could not see a reason for it to have broken.

Then our Lord drew my attention to those of us in the Body of Christ.  Some of us are cracked and broken.  Some are about to fall and some have fallen.  Yet, the rest of us don't see their wounds or their hurts.  That is.. until they actually fall.  From all outward appearances, the person looks fine and healthy.  But God sees on the inside.  He knows our wounds.   He wants  us whole again before we fall  far from the tree.  Even if we should totally break down, just like the branches below caught the falling limb, that is how the rest of us, as Christ's Body, are to catch and care for our broken one.

I don't know to whom I am writing this.  By God's Spirit, I know that there someone reading this post who is feeling very broken and feels like they are about to crack up.  The message is...God sees you. He hears the cries that others may not hear.  He will provide for you.

The Lord has pressed upon my heart this day that I am to pray for the broken in mind and spirit.  If you want prayer for you by name... please email me at

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