Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wait For It...Wait For It...

I’m back to blogging after several weeks of silence.  It is not that God has not been doing things in my life, it is just that I’ve yet to develop the habit of writing them down as they happen so that others might benefit as well.

They say that if you do something for at least 30 days you will form a new habit.  Not too sure I want to write something each day, but maybe I should.  Please pray that I will hear the Lord’s guidance in this.

Waiting is what is on my mind this morning.  Waiting.  There are times when I am waiting for news or for someone else to do something – time just seems to go as fast as a snail or a tortoise.  While in the kitchen waiting for a timer to complete even 10 seconds can seem like an eternity. 

I’ve been waiting on God to show us where He wants us to meet as St. Peter’s Anglican Mission (formerly Daleville Anglican).  I’ve had some leads that did not work out .  There are other leads that are possibilities but the final decision is coming quickly.  Days have turned into weeks.

Everything within me wants to get frustrated but such feelings are being held back by the Spirit of our Living God.  His still small voice speaks, 

“There are things taken place of which you are unaware.  My best for you and the ones I will reach through you is in formation.  A place will come in my perfect timing.”  

That is so true yet God’s Spirit within me has to remind me so very often.

Praying this moment that you are able to hear His voice speaking from within you and that you may experience the peace that follows.  Pray this for me as well today.

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